The 2019-2020
Executive Team

Rownak Tabassum
Hello there! I’m Rownak and I am the President for the It’s All About Math Club this school year. I am currently in my final year of my undergrad in which I study mathematics, as well as english. I hope to also pursue education as a career path in my graduate studies. I have always had a strong passion for education as well as mathematics, and IAAM has given me opportunities to show my appreciation of mathematics. I have been involved with IAAM since its very first year; I have helped with instructing school visit workshops, as well as volunteering for several conferences and outreach events. Through all of this, I believe my teaching, and instructing experience in math, but also in general, have greatly improved. Why should you join the It’s All About Math Club? It’s just simply a great place to gain experience, and make new friends who share your love for mathematics! We believe everyone is a math person, and can enjoy math in their own way. Keep your heads up too, for some new fun events this year as well!

Vice - President:
Tiffany Mackel
Hey everyone! My name is Tiffany and I’m in my fourth year at UofT studying kinesiology with a minor in math. When I first came to UofT I wanted to get involved in student life and join clubs here. Math club stuck out to me because of my interest in math and education and I immediately got involved. I’m excited to be vice president for math club because I’ve been an active member of this club since my first year at UofT by helping out with math clubs, math contests and teaching events that the university holds. I love math club because there are always ways for me to expand my interests and knowledge and try new things. This club has helped me gain experience and learn about different career paths and I consider myself very lucky to be a part of it!

Communications Director:
Olivia Zambri
Hi! I’m Olivia, I’m a third year undergrad student at the University of Toronto, and I am the communications director for the 2019-2020 academic year! I am currently studying sociology, math, and education, with hopes of attending OISE in the future and pursuing a career in education. I’ve been extremely involved with the UofT Math Department this past year by volunteering for numerous math-related events and workshops, as well as working as a classroom TA for Girls in STEM, High School Math Help, and Math Academy during the summer. I joined IAAM because I’ve always loved math, and I am super passionate about connecting with others through math, whether it’s through educating students or relating with other aspiring teachers. Stay tuned throughout the year to learn more about awesome events being held here on campus, and come join us for a great time no matter what your background in math is!

Rachel Yang
Hello! My name is Rachel and I’m a second year actuarial science student at UofT, and I’m the secretary of IAAM this year. I joined IAAM last year when I was in my first year, applying for first-year rep but actually became secretary. I used to be the leader of math club in my high school, and I wish to extend this experience in university as well. In the past year, I volunteered to be the student speaker for Girls in STEM, and this event is my favourite as it is a great chance to teach the girls who are excited about STEM, while applying what I have learned in university, and explain it to them who are just in Grade 6-8. It is very rewarding and it helps me build up my public speaking skills and confidence! Many make the assumption that someone is just born to be good at math, but it turns out if you have a passion to learn about math, you would know how it works rather easily. This is my reason and I believe could become a great reason for you to join IAAM, because all of us in IAAM are passionate about math and can’t wait to share the fun with you. Even if you are not great at math, if you want to gain some experience in teaching, you are very welcome to join!